The Legal Fundamentals of Running a Business in the U.S. – Legal News Letter

. Having permits or licenses in restaurants to bars to automotive body shops will help the business and its owners look more credible.

If you run an establishment that serves alcohol. In order to run a bar, you would need a liquor license. The other legal requirements to run the business are an alcohol license that is necessary for a bar operation. Other permits and licenses may be needed, such as an food handler’s license. It’s not about obtaining all the licenses that you can. This is about following legal guidelines to run a business that clients as well as customers are aware of.

Check out the U.S. Small Business Administration site to request permits and licenses. You can scroll down and choose permits based on states and the organization that issues the license or permit. It is a top resource for staying up to date with the legal requirements for running a business, you’ll also learn about the consequences of not having permits. As an example for example, the SBA will want you to be aware of the fines and penalties your business could face.

Pay Your Taxes

The U.S. Small Business Administration specifies that business owners are required to pay federal income tax on the income of their businesses, as well as income taxes state-wide if they reside in states that tax income. California, Tennessee and Nevada are but a handful of examples. Because the laws of taxation can be complex and complex, it’s important to understand as much as you can about how they work.

Our government’s unique programs are funded with tax dollars. Some of your tax payments will go to Social Security and some to contribute to Medicare. Paying taxes as a business owner is an opportunity to be a tax-paying citizen. Your obligation should be carried out by making sure that you’re able to manage the amount. You’ll feel good about helping people by contributing taxes.
