Category: Homepage

  • Think Twice Before You Click “Share This Link”

    One of the most important ways you can generate buzz around your blog or business from the 2 billion plus people, according to Internet World Stats, now using the worldwide web is by generating back-links to your site. In the past, using the “share this link” function on a syndication page was enough to increase…

  • Sharing Links Is the New Social Craze Get in on It

    Have you shared links lately. Shared links are the best way to show your friends just what you like on the internet. What better way to get to know people than to see exactly what they look at? You can see general likes and interests in people’s profiles, sure, but that is often too broad.…

  • Sharing Your Links Is Sharing Your Life So Share Your Life

    Quick, share this link! Do you know how to share your links, or link bookmarks into your social media of choice? Social media has grown to be more than just posting inappropriate comments and pictures of the food you were just served. Social media has become more personal in many ways. The newest wave of…

  • The Top 3 Places to Share Your Blog

    One of the greatest things about the internet is that it allows individuals the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about virtually any topic. For many, the best way to do that is by building and maintaining a blog. Whether a blogger wants to talk about sports, politics, business, art, or something more obscure,…

  • An Easy New Way to Share Links to All Your Friends

    So those of us who want to know how to share a link in the easiest way are probably already accustomed to one or two ways of doing this. When visiting a blog or other web page, you now almost always see a footer or button that reads something along the lines of “share this…

  • Need To Access A Link Later? Use Bookmarked Links For Efficient Access

    If you are like many individuals, then it is likely that you use the internet every day for various purposes. One of these purposes may be for recreation or entertainment. Accessing news websites, social media platforms, and other resources can often introduce you to multiple articles, photos, recipes, and other types of information that you…

  • How Most People Learn How To Share This Link

    Bookmarked links are quite popular online today, simply because they make everything simpler for users of the Internet. They can share links and bookmark pages with the greatest of ease, returning to sites they love to visit with just a click of their mice and sharing the cool things they find with their friends on…

  • How Link Bookmarks Make Online Visits Easier

    Using a link bookmark is an excellent method by which you can instantly or very easily access the web pages that are frequently visited by you. Just think of how much time is taken up by you to manually plug in the URL of every website you like, or of having to go to a…

  • Start Sharing Links Like A Pro With Some Helpful Tips

    With so many social media websites and blogging arenas online that allow users to information in the forms of images, videos, and text it can get a little difficult to understand the best way to post or share specific information with others. Also, organizing stuff that you find on the Internet can get a little…