A Beginners Guide to Acne Treatment – Bright Healthcare

Adults and nags share various degree of acne. It is an inevitable part of human life. But, it could cause significant stress. The stress can result in anxiety and even pain. This video produced by Dr. Mansouri explains some of the basic principles involved in treating acne.

Dr. Mansouri stresses that acne can come with a myriad of different forms. The method you use to treat it will depend on the type you have. There are many over-the counter treatments that are typically effective for mild situations of acne.

However, over-the counter products might not be enough to manage severe or moderate acne. If you are dealing with an increased amount of acne, schedule an appointment with an experienced board-certified dermatologist. They’ll recommend the most efficient method to treat your individual skin.

Hormones are the primary cause of acne. It’s challenging for teenagers — even people older than 30 and in their 20s — to avoid developing pimples. Prioritize yourself! Call a board-certified, qualified dermatologist for a consultation on treating acne. cq1y1ovky9.