The Top 3 Places to Share Your Blog

One of the greatest things about the internet is that it allows individuals the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about virtually any topic. For many, the best way to do that is by building and maintaining a blog. Whether a blogger wants to talk about sports, politics, business, art, or something more obscure, they will be able to easily publish all of their opinions. However, some bloggers will get frustrated if few people are reading their content, and might want to stop. In order to avoid that, they should try to find some great link share websites in order to increase blog visibility and attract readers. A handful stand out as the best options.

1. Facebook

If a blogger already has lots of fans or followers, then posting content on Facebook is a good way to get likes and more shares. However, the same holds true for individuals who just have lots of Facebook friends. By choosing to share links on Facebook, bloggers will make it easy for their friends to like and share them as well, which could help spread individual pieces all over the internet.

2. Twitter

Some people wrongly assume that all of their Facebook friends are also their Twitter followers, but that is hardly ever the case. Twitter provides some of the same opportunities, but also allows people to retweet and add comments of their own.

3. Bookmarking

Social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, might have the most users and be the best option for someone looking to get their blog out there. However, sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, and Reddit are also great options. People who visit those sites are looking for something to read, so sharing a blog there and giving them something is a good idea. Plus, it might even provide some inspiration for what to write about.

Though these three places will help bloggers share their content, the reality is that there is not one place where sharing links will definitely help a blogger the most. Depending on what a blogger writes about, one link share site might work better than others. However, learning how to share a link and doing so on multiple platforms is a must for anyone who wants to increase readership. Taking the time to do so can help an individual grow from a random internet blogger to a well known, reputable writer.