Introduction to Natural Gas and Propane – Boston Equator

In the US typically in the form of propane. This video explains the meaning of natural gas as well as how it is transported out of the ground, through propane for residential use to a house.

Natural gas, just like fossil fuels is made from decomposed fossils that were formed several years ago. These fossils transform into gas once they have been buried under sediment and pressure is then applied. Reservoirs that are below water contain natural gas.

Wet and dry gas. Dry gas is methane, and wet gas contains ethane, butane, and other compounds. You can separate this natural gas in three categories: propane, and butane. It can then be sold for various uses including refrigerant and fuel.

Gas is extracted using drills or wells. Sometimes it’s extracted with oil and labeled as associated gas. Natural gas can be transported using collecting lines that connect the extraction point to processing plants, which creates pipeline-quality natural gas.

Gas is transported to feeder stations that hold the gas until it’s used. In some cases, gas may be made liquefied and shipped across oceans. It is utilized for heating and electricity , mostly.

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